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Trails Report Monday 2/19/2024 thru Wednesday


NEKSB will groom each evening during this first school vacation week as long as temperatures 🌡 cooperate this week.

❗️ Note our VAST GPS Tracker is still not reporting to the online map and will not show grooming that is taking place.

➡️Best riding this week will be in the mid areas of our trailsystem trails 114, 102, 101, 102F, 114C and 114D.

⚠️ Lower powerline 102A and south crossover 96 thin conditions.

⚠️ The 105's are thin to very thin conditions in areas but rideable. Use caution on these trails until we get more snow.

⚠️ Middle crossover and the overlook is groomed. Expect a thinner section of approx. 1 mile to E. Branch Rd. where plowing was done during the prior logging operation.

⚠️ Lower Stone Dam closer to Rt 105 trail 102 expect thin conditions.

➡️A section of trail 102 near Rt 105 in the Connecticut Valley Sno-Riders trailsystem was groomed at the request of their club trailmaster.

The most honest and accurate trail reports from the ❤️ of the NEK.

            ‼️ ‼️ NEKSB Blaster Bash February 24 11am - 2pm ‼️ ‼️

The Blaster Bash is only 5 days away. This is our final fund raising event for this season and your support of the club is VERY MUCH appreciated. Folks, you really want to purchase some raffle tickets as these Blackstone Grills are awesome.

Drawing is at 2pm, you need not be present but we encourage you to come visit us at the Blaster Barn. Sled Farm 2 will be catering the event. Come by sled, truck, SUV, EV or whatever you drive 😀

Raffle tickets and other merchandise are at: ▶️▶️▶️

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