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Trail Update 3/21/2024 evening


Tomorrow morning several trails will be open. Some will remain closed and may open later Saturday if we get enough new snow. I've attached a map valid for Friday for NEKSB. Screenshot as of this evening at 730pm. This map will be changing as other clubs update their respective systems.

Couple of notes:

Trail 105 from EX 131 to Kendyls will be open but not groomed pending additional snow.

 Brousseau 105 from EX 8 to EX 95 closed pending additional snow. Gate is closed at EX 95.

 Use Trail 114/Jackson Rd connector between EX 95 and EX 9 to connect to Canaan Trail 105.

 Trail 106C middle crossover to EX 110 thin in areas (wind blown).

Groomer will be out at any time. Some trails are still a work in progress and grooming will continue during the day on the southern side.

Enjoy the trails again. Our season is winding down. Get out there while we can.

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