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Trail Report 2️⃣/1️⃣1️⃣/2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ for the upcoming week. 📢📣


Hope everyone is enjoying your Superbowl Sunday.

The trails at lower elevations are anything but super.   Up higher in the areas around Trail 114 we are hearing some good snow cover.

It looking less and less likely the northern NEK will receive any snow Tuesday, at best its looking like flurries at this point.   And unfortunately not much after that in the current forecast.

 Most of the trailsystem is open and expect highly variable conditions. Refer to the VAST Trails map for up to date trails status.

  • Trail 96 (south crossover) closed.

  • Trail 105A in the Norton Fields next to Rt 114 closed. Not all of 105A just the fields. The current Vast map will not allow us to close just a portion of this trail.

  •  Trail 105D is closed.

  •  Trail 102 at Stone Dam near Rt 105 is very thin and not recommended at this time.

  •  Trail 105 thin with some bare areas, some open water bars.

  • Trail 102A south powerline, the further south the thinner conditions will be.

Grooming is on hold pending improved conditions. There are a few groomable trails in the uppers however our problem currently is getting there. We will resume as soon as we can.

Giving you the most honest and accurate reports from the  of the NEK .

              *******       Blaster Bash ******

We have 3 great Blackstone grills to be raffled at our February 24th Blaster Bash. Tickets available on our club website Attendance not required to be a winner! But we do hope you come. Catering by Sled Farm 2. 11am to 2pm at the Blaster Barn, 114 Gaudette Rd Norton.

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