Recipients will be presented with their award at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Most of these can be done online through the VAST website:
We at NEKSB put quite a bit of energy into improving our trail signage replacing many new junction posts, new junction post signs that had corrections made, new solar lights, improved trail sign meeting/surpassing all VAST guidelines, added signage from safety ambassador suggestions. If you feel you noticed a difference and helped your riding experience we'd appreciate a nomination.
Categories include:
Snowmobiler of the Year
This award is given to the individual who has demonstrated their commitment to the sport, a true volunteer, unselfishly giving of oneself, above and beyond. Individuals who are involved in snowmobile organizations striving to make the sport even more enjoyable in the future. Nominations for this award must be received by the VAST office no later than May 1.
Snowmobile Family of the Year
This award is given to the family who has demonstrated their commitment to the sport, true volunteers, above and beyond. Individuals who are involved in snowmobile organizations and striving to make the sport even more enjoyable in the future are eligible, nominations for this award must be received by the VAST office no later than MAY 1.
Dealer of the Year
This award is given to the individual based on promotion of the sport to both snowmobilers and non-snowmobilers, promotion of club membership, leadership positions held in a club or state snowmobile association, participation in fund-raising or charity events, involvement in trail-grooming operations, and any special projects nominee may be working on, nominations for this award must be received by the VAST office no later than MAY 1. The winner’s nomination application will be forwarded to N.E. Chapter International Snowmobile Council for consideration as the N.E. ISC Chapter Dealer of the Year.
Snowmobile Club of the Year
This award is given to a club that demonstrated commitment to the advancement and betterment of snowmobiling in club area. Shown through trail construction and development, community involvement and charitable activities.
Project of the Year
This award is given to a club or individual that demonstrated commitment to the advancement and betterment of snowmobiling in club area. Shown through trail construction and development, community involvement and charitable activities.
Junior Snowmobiler of the Year
This award is given to the individual who has demonstrated their commitment to the sport, a true volunteer, unselfishly giving of oneself, above and beyond. Demonstrates initiative and leadership in club activities. Willingness and desire to help the club in such activities as trail maintenance and construction and charitable events. Must be 15 years old or younger.
Horizon Award
This award is given to an individual who has recently become an active volunteer showing exemplary dedication above and beyond expectations. The recipient(s) may be new to snowmobiling, or someone who has been riding for years but has now stepped up and assumed a leadership role in volunteerism. There may be multiple recipients if several individuals meet these criteria.
Trailblazer Award
This award is to recognize those individuals who have actively served their club(s), county and VAST for 25 years or more. It celebrates all long term volunteers, not only those involved in trail work, but in all aspects of organized snowmobiling such as club, county and VAST officers. Self-nominations, Committee nominations, and/or nominations by the snowmobiling public may be made at any time during the year. Recipients will receive a framed certificate of commendation signed by the VAST Executive Director and VAST President, a name badge signifying them as a Trailblazer and acknowledgement in the Snowmobile Vermont Magazine.
Founder’s Award
This award is selected from all Trailblazer nominations and is awarded at the Annual Meeting. The recipient’s name will appear on a plaque at the VAST office in recognition as a Founder – VAST’s number one volunteers.
Comradery Award
This award is designed to recognize clubs who work in collaboration for the betterment of the experience for the entire VAST membership, not specific to what is done for their own individual club. This can be (but not limited to) the sharing of idea’s, co-sponsoring events, grooming coverage, resource sharing, reaching out and helping another club in a time of need.
Groomer(s) of the Year
This award is given to an individual or individuals who have demonstrated their commitment of the sport by promoting the development of and grooming of snowmobile trails. The ideal candidate has unselfishly given of him or herself above and beyond and has striven to make snowmobiling even more enjoyable now and in the future.
Most Improved Trails
This Award is given to a deserving club based upon construction, signing (safety and directional), and grooming.
Best Signed Trails
This Award is based upon signage that meets all of the criteria established in the VAST Signing Manual.
Best Groomed Trails
This Award is based upon grooming that meets or exceeds the criteria established by the VAST Trails Committee and/or the VAST Trails Administrator.
Awards Presented By Trail Administrator:
The following awards may be presented annually to volunteers or deserving individuals.
Club Trails Coordinator of the Year
This award is given to an individual who has demonstrated their commitment to the sport at the club level by a positive leadership role in the development and maintenance of club trails.
County Trails Coordinator of the Year
This award is given to an individual who has demonstrated their commitment to the sport at the county level by a positive leadership role in the development and maintenance of their county-wide trail system.
Personal Attributes Awards